City Girls
MusicJT opens up about family grief. ByBryson "Boom" Paul1036 Views
Music"It just made so much sense for both of us," JT says.ByCaroline Fisher8.2K Views
MusicJoe Budden felt that Yung Miami was slightly throwing JT under the bus over the City Girls while positively talking about her Diddy bond.ByGabriel Bras Nevares3.7K Views
MusicThe return of Yung Miami's "Caresha Please" podcast held other interesting and much-anticipated reflections on the Diddy scandal.ByGabriel Bras Nevares2.3K Views
MusicFans are glad to see the City Girls supporting each other's solo endeavorsByCaroline Fisher5.4K Views
MusicAccording to JT, the disagreement is now "funny" to both her and Yung Miami.ByCaroline Fisher1067 Views
MusicFans came up with a variety of reasons they may be operating separately. ByLavender Alexandria1056 Views
MusicYung Miami says the two were on different pages.ByCole Blake2.3K Views
MusicClearly, nothing can get between the City Girls.ByCaroline Fisher3 Views
MusicThe City Girls are at odds.ByCole Blake2.2K Views
Music"You don't know s*** your weird!" JT clapped back. ByZachary Horvath1.6K Views
MusicMany fans brought up that JT has also stayed pretty silent about the explosive Diddy allegations involving her fellow City Girl.ByGabriel Bras Nevares2.2K Views
MusicThese fire tracks emerged after a prison stint. ByDemi Phillips593 Views
MusicWhile a lot of folks were clowning the City Girl online for doing this for her 30th birthday, others would argue there's no better way to celebrate.ByGabriel Bras Nevares2.4K Views