Even the best beatmaking machines out there- whether it's controllers, drum machines, or samplers- still need a power source to function. If you're hammering out some beats on one, and all of a sudden the power goes out and you haven't saved them, they're lost forever. Still, this is something that producers deal with all the time, and Metro Boomin recently went through this rite of passage again. Specifically, it happened to three instrumentals he was making for Future a couple of months ago. During a recent Billboard interview, the St. Louis native recalled what that experience was like.
"They was beats I was making for the next time I see [Future], and they was going cr*zy," Metro Boomin told interviewer Tetris Kelly. "Boom, boom, boom. And I just came from Atlanta, and there was a storm. One of my beat machines that I use…. It’s not like a computer. It’s old-school, so it’s plugged up. The power goes out, and you haven’t saved it, that’s it. Sometimes, if I’m so far into something and that happens, then I’ll just be like, ‘Alright, I just gotta do something.’ And that usually be a blessing in disguise, I’ve done learned. ’Cause the next thing be like, ‘Oh man, I wouldn’t have had this if I hadn’t lose this.'"
Metro Boomin & Future Performing In Atlanta

Furthermore, this happened to the HEROES & VILLAINS mastermind back in August, and he tweeted as such. "Just made 3 [fire] beats on my MPC 3000 and the power just went off at the crib I didn’t even get to record them in yet. I’m finna go cry myself to sleep bye y’all," Metro Boomin shared with his followers on the social media platform. As he mentioned, either way he ended up striking gold with another set of beats, and we can only dream of what his collab album with Future will bring.
Meanwhile, has this every happened to you if you produce? Are you excited for Metro Pluto or for other projects that Metro's involved in? Whatever the case, let us know in the comments down below. Also, stick around on HNHH for more news and the latest updates on Metro Boomin and Future.