There are plenty of shows that exist on various networks to entertain just about anybody, but Lil Duval took a moment to highlight why he has an issue with P-Valley. The hit STARZ series is centered around a Mississippi strip club and from its inception, it was a fan favorite. However, Duval hit a snag when he saw a scene that rubbed him the wrong way, so he took to Twitter to express his thoughts.
"Yea p valley lost me. They need a super gay advisory on movies like they got for everything else. Cuz That’s a lot to see if u not use to it," he tweeted.

The responses were quick and like many of his other tweets, his message soon went viral. "I can watch gay people all day but i don’t wanna see them f*ck. And that’s not homophonic cuz i feel the same way about my momma. I can watch my momma but i don’t wanna see her F*CK!!!! Do y’all get it?" Duval also added that there are plenty of her heterosexual scenes that he isn't a fan of, as well.
"And no the lesbian ain’t bother me cuz I’m use to it. That what y’all missing. It’s about what you’re USE TO! you’re always gon be shocked at something you’re not use to. That’s human nature. U can’t just throw something on somebody and be offended cuz they shocked."
The writer of the episode, Patrick-Ian Polk, caught wind of the comedian's complaints and issued a response.
"I encourage you to step away from Chucalissa. This show is not for you. Go watch something else. Cuz the gay ain't goin' nowhere." Check it out below.