Azealia Banks Shares US Elections Predictions: "Hillary Got Goons"

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She did predict Trump's victory, after all.

While Azealia Banks may be known for hurling outrageous insults at her critics like a merciless game of dozens champ, the rapper often shares her insights on social issues about a range of topics including politics. Her latest musings deal with the upcoming US elections. "Y'all sh*tted on me when I said Trump n*gga was gonna win," she remarked via Instagram stories. "Then he won, and y'all still sh*tted on me."

Banks' 2020 pick is also a controversial figure. Kamala Harris, who, at first glance, appears to be a great candidate for liberals who value racial and economic justice, is under fire for her actions as a prosecutor. Many believe that she "has supported policies that have contributed to a broken criminal justice system that harms people of color at disproportionate and alarming rates." The #KamalaisaCop hashtag was revived on Twitter following the politician's presidential race announcement. 

 Al Drago/Getty Images

According to Azealia, these issues are being sensationalized. She also suggests that her potential opponents may be pushing this narrative. "Hillary (Clinton) got goons and she's still mad that she f*cking lost that election a second time," Banks offered about the politician who has yet to confirm or deny her running in 2020. "Of course, she's gonna take it out on the Black girl."

She insists on her prediction. "I'm telling you, Kamala Harris is gonna win," she said, holding up a bottle of bubbly in apparent celebration. "And the United States first female president is gonna be a black b*tch!" Her humor-tinged exposé continues as she laughs, "the white feminists are gonna be mad. They're gonna be over it."

The emcee says she favors Harris over a millennial favorite, Bernie Sanders, especially since he is "mad old." His age may play a part in international affairs. "N*ggas are gonna stomp all over Bernie Sanders," Banks claimed. "Kamala got that look in her eye like, 'b*tch, I'mma f*ck you up.' Ain't nobody f*cking with Kamala."

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