Punch has responded to Reason's recent rant about being signed to TDE and says that the narrative of labels being the villains is "getting stale." Reason made the original comments during an episode of BACKONFIGG. During the interview, TDE co-president Anthony “Moosa” Tiffith Jr. called into the stream and the two got into an argument.
“That big bad mean ol label narrative is getting stale," Punch wrote on Twitter, Tuesday afternoon. When asked how he felt about Moosa getting involved, he explained: "I’m never cool with discussing things publicly that should be discussed in private. BUT if things are being brought to the public then everyone should get a chance to state their truth on a subject."
Reason At A TDE Pool Party

Reason also commented on the situation on Twitter, thanking his supporters for reaching out. “I appreciate ppl that’s reached out to me," he wrote. "Trust I’m as good as I can be. We’ll have a real convo at some point about what happened, just trust that wasn’t a “rollout move” lol that actually happened! All positive energy as of now moving forward tho! Porches Friday! Love y’all!” As for the original complaints, Reason admitted he was unhappy with the rollout process for his new album, Porches. He claimed that TDE dropped the ball when it came to getting EST Gee and Latto on the project.
Punch Addresses Reason's Complaints
He explained: “It was a few different things. I had Latto lined up for something, not executed. I had EST Gee lined up, not executed. Like, us not pushing through. Features lined up, we got a price set, video and verse for the love, takes too long. I’ll speak on the EST Gee shit specifically — took too long to get through to EST Gee and his people and be like, ‘Yo, this is what we wanna do.’ By the time we ended up connecting with him and reaching out, he dropped a record with Future and the record went cr*zy. Now, the feature is $25,000 more than what it already was.”