Twitter Rejoices After White Supremacist Richard Spencer Gets Punched Again

BYAngus Walker33.0K Views
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Twitter is rolling with the punches -- those directed at neo-Nazi Richard Spencer.

Richard Spencer, the white supremacist leader of the alt-right movement, was likely in good spirits upon the inauguration of Donald Trump, whom he thinks will help bring America closer to his vision of a nation-state controlled by white people of European descent. Little did he know that he would get sucker-punched in the face during a live interview and hence become the butt of the weekend's most popular meme. Twitter users who opposed Spencer's fascist views tried out using their favorite songs as the backdrop to the clip of him getting clocked, and the results were quite often hilarious. 

It turns out that that punch -- which landed so nicely in sync with "Born in the U.S.A." and "X Gonna Give It to Ya" -- was not the only jab to hit Spencer's face on that historic day. While making his way through the crowds of anti-Trump protestors in D.C., Spencer got dealt another unexpected blow. The image of the divinely inspired fist colliding with Spencer's bigoted face was posted by Twitter user @babycommie666, and has gone on to be shared all across the platform. Though there's no clip -- and thus no musical memes -- this time, Twitter is once again enjoying the spectacle of violence being enacted against a neo-Nazi. 

And for good measure, here's another top-class remix of the first punch:

Richard Spencer

Twitter Rejoices After White Supremacist Richard Spencer Gets Punched Again
About The Author
<b>Feature &amp; News Contributor</b> Brooklyn via Toronto writer and music enthusiast. Angus writes reviews, features, and lists for HNHH. While hip-hop is his muse, Angus also puts in work at an experimental dance label. In the evenings, he winds down to dub techno and Donna Summer.