In the complex, convoluted, concave world of rap music, one is hardly ever surprised. And then a guy like Quentin Miller comes along and everything you thought you knew you don’t anymore. The Atlanta rapper of local band WDNGS Crshrs came into worldview in July 2015, when Meek Mill dropped his name on Twitter as Drake’s alleged ghostwriter. With one fervent eye, the people rushed to see how Mr. 6God would react (see: “Back to Back”), and with the other, they watched Quentin Miller, eager to hear his position on the issue. Since the scandal’s dissipation, Miller’s been dropping hot singles like he always has, but with a much thirstier fan base to slurp up what he’s serving. Notoriety aside, this kid really spits.
Quentin Miller
- Date of Birth
- Oct. 10, 1989 - Age 35
- Hometown
- Atlanta
- Social