Mark Ronson Upset By Tidal-Exclusive "4:44" Release

BYQ. K. W.118 Views
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Mark Ronson was not impressed by Tidal's exclusive roll-out for "4:44."

After subscribing to the streaming agent's website just a day before the release, Mark Ronson still wasn't able to get his hands on Jay-Z's newest album: 4:44

After attempting to listen the "Uptown Funk" producer learned that the album would only be available to those who subscribed before June 26th, leaving him absolutely dumbfounded. "I signed up for Tidal solely to listen to a Jay Z album, which turns out is the only thing I can't listen to on Tidal," the producer wrote on Twitter. "Why the f**k else would I be signing up for this bullsh*t?"

Fortunately he ended up getting his hands on the project, and couldn't help but admire the icon's latest work. He explains his frustration came solely from the fact that he's bought every Jay-Z record on vinyl the day it was released. 

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