Jussie Smollett May Be Prosecuted For Allegedly Faking Attack

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The case is not over.

The infamous attack that happened to Jussie Smollett in the streets of Chicago has come a long way. When the news first broke it was a horror to many that the actor was jumped and left with a rope around his neck, bleach on his body and was subject to racial and homophobic slurs. Things quickly changed when it was alleged that Jussie staged the horrible event, leading some to distance themselves from the actor while others were still calling him a victim. 

Alberto E. Rodriguez/Getty Images

Eventually, Jussie was looked at as the suspect in his own attack and was charged with 16 felony accounts for allegedly lying to police. The Office of State's Attorney Kim Foxx dropped all charges, making Jussie a free bird but it didn't happen without endless scrutiny. Now that the case files surrounding Jussie's case are open, TMZ reports that the Empire actor is subject to be prosecuted for allegedly lying if a prosecutor's review of the case raises flags. 

"If reasonable grounds exist to further prosecute Smollett, in the interest of justice the special prosecutor may take such action," the publication details. The special prosecutor has been appointed to the case due to  "unprecedented irregularities identified in this case," a judge states, using a metaphor to describe the screwups. "There was no master on the bridge to guide the ship as it floundered through unchartered waters. And it ultimately lost its bearings."

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